3Dwarehouse Search Results not Accurate | Tips and Tricks to find good components.

3Dwarehouse was and is still the best place to find great free 3D models and textures, the funny thing now is that the search results are no longer accurate, and it takes a lot of time to find an acceptable components, here I will show a few tips and tricks to find more relevant content a bit faster:

1- Default 3Dwarehouse search results:

3Dwarehouse by default will search in the products category, and it will show only brand models (models of real-world products from verified companies), by changing the search to Models and sort the list by Popularity or likes more interesting components will show, remember the default search category will show nothing and no results most of the time.

3Dwarehouse search results by product
3Dwarehouse search results by product
3Dwarehouse search results by model -sorted by popularity-
3Dwarehouse search results by model -sorted by popularity-

2- Search in Collections :

Searching in collections will show more interesting models as collection are created by users who pick and gather the best models in a single place to sort em by category with tags and better thumbnails.

3- Language :

Using Google, translate the desired keyword from English to any other language like French Japanese Chinese Spanish Italian Portuguese Russian or Arabic, different results will appear, and you may find more interesting models that won't appear with the English keywords.

4- Keywords typos:

Do not always follow what 3Dwarehouse search bar shows, as it may suggest a worng keyword, here is an example by writing Eifel 3Dwarehouse will suggest a wrong keyword "Eifel Tower", while it should be Eiffel with two F's , so make sure you are copy pasting the correct name of the model in it's original language, or choosing the right suggested keyword.

Wrong Keyword suggestion
Wrong Keyword suggestion
If you don't find what you are looking don't give up very quickly use different keywords combinations, try to change the keyword phrase, example for the Eiffel tower : remove tower and search only the proper noun Eiffel keyword, this way you will make sure all models including the keyword Eiffel will appear, it doesn't matter if it is Tour Eiffel, Eiffel Tower or Torre Eiffel, proper names are never translated may be transliterated so even if the uploaded model has no tags, you will be able to find it, works best if the used keyword language corresponds to the model's (esp buildings) origin country.
Eiffel tower Search results
Eiffel tower Search results

Tour Eiffel search results
Tour Eiffel search results

For many reasons you may find good models using wrong keywords, so it's worth doing the search if model is not found using the correct keywords, same applies for the category filter, you may find in the river what you don't find in sea.




5- Google search vs 3Dwarehouse search:

If for some reason you are facing issues and 3Dwarehouse is slow, won't load, not showing thumbnails and it's not working well you can do the search using Google images, you can use this search command : site:3dwarehouse.sketchup.com+the desired keyword

Search 3Dwarehouse using Google
Search 3Dwarehouse using Google

Example site:3dwarehouse.sketchup.com Sofa , Google will search and show results only in the 3dwarehouse address, you can also click on the suggested keywords and the results will remain limited to the specified address.

Google search keywords suggestions
Google search keywords suggestions

If you are still using an old Sketchup version and looking for the old components bonus library pack see this article, ZIP file download link included.

3Dwarehouse Search Results not Accurate | Tips and Tricks to find good components. 3Dwarehouse Search Results not Accurate | Tips and Tricks to find good components. Reviewed by Moh.G on May 20, 2022 Rating: 5

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